

It is one of independent civil society
organizations. It aims to develop the
educational and scientific capabilities
for different groups in the society.

Mosul Center for Culture and
Sciences tries to guide the society
towards growth, progress and
prosperity. It believes that the change
is dependent on the society, and the
society, in turn, is dependent on its
values and education.

 Opportunities of Success:

Mosul Center makes every efforts to
advance the society, through utilizing
the capabilities, qualifications, talents
and resources available in Mosul City,
in various fields ( (science, education,
culture, creation,..etc), integrating
and coordinating them.

 - Ambitions:

1- Knowledge, skills and experiences of the scientists and educated people are 
utilized in analyzing the problems,
diagnosing the defects and finding
2- The society are guided by mind and 
knowledge towards development and

3-All people become educated and literate
and ignorance is eradicated.

 Values of work:

1- Exploiting the opportunities and
wasting no time.
2- Assessing the effect of effort exerted
whether it is useful or not.
3- Working as one unit, as a unified team.
The team can accomplish something
much bigger and work more effectively
than a group of the same individuals
working on their own. The concept of
teamwork is extremely important to the
success of any team.
4- Joining the efforts of members to
guarantee success.


1- Strengthening the role of civil society in the scientific and educational activities. 
2- Exploiting the scientific and educational capabilities to serve the society.
3- Linking the scientific and educational 
activities with high values of society
 4- Creating an environment for communication & dialogue in various
fields (science, education,...etc).
5- Spreading awareness about the important roles of education and science in developing the society.


1. Establishing modern libraries in various fields (sciences, education, ...etc).
2. Giving lectures and holding conferences, symposiums, meetings and training courses in science, literature and education.
3. Publishing scientific and educational books and journals.
4. Translating the scientific and educational publications.
5. Cooperating with the scientific and educational institutes to achieve the goals of center.
Terms of Membership:

1-The member should be well qualified
and of good conduct.
2- High school education certificate is
the minimum education required for 
3-The member should pay 25000 ID as amembership fee.
4-The member should promise to pay 15000 ID per month as a subscription fee, or to do a 5-hours volunteer work permonth.


1. Administrative Dept.: it consists of
the following sections: (Employees affairs,Accounting, Media &Library).
2. Scientific Dept.: it consists of the following sections: (Human Sciences and Applied Sciences).
3. Development Dept.: it consists of the following sections: (Youth development, Family development& Society Development).
